AWS Getting Started - Create Second SoftNAS Instance for High Availability (HA)

AWS Getting Started - Create Second SoftNAS Instance for High Availability (HA)

  • To create your second SoftNAS instance for High Availability, please follow the instructions presented on AWS Getting Started - Create your SoftNAS Instances.

  • The difference here will be your Availability Zone.  In the Network settings section, you need to ensure that you pick a subnet that is located in a different Availability Zone than what your first instance is in.
  • FOR EXAMPLE: If the first SoftNAS instance you created was assigned a subnet that was located in us-east-2a, your second SoftNAS instance would need an assigned subnet that was located in us-east-2b or us-east-2c.

Do NOT create a column on the second instance.  The storage pool on the second instance serves as a landing strip for the volume in a failover situation.

  • The Availability Zone for the currently selected subnet is identified in the Subnet selection box.

More information regarding VPC and Subnet creation can be found here.

Don't forget to add a secondary network interface to this instance as well.  Instructions can be found here.

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