Create Your Account on the Buurst Support Help Desk

Create Your Account on the Buurst Support Help Desk

If you would like to review your organization’s previous and current tickets on the Buurst Support help desk, open the user-friendly URL https://support.buurst.com/ in your browser. This will redirect to the customer portal on our support platform, https://buurst-support.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/user/login?destination=portals.

Enter your email address that is associated with your organization.

If there is no account in the help desk system associated with your email, choose the “Sign up with password” button.

You will receive an email from the help desk system containing a link to create your account and set a password.

The email you will receive looks like this:


The “Sign up” button will take you to this form:

Simply enter your full name and desired password and choose the “Sign up” button.

If you have previously opened a ticket by sending email to support@buurst.com, or if your address was copied on a ticket opened by another member of your organization, this address will already be in the help desk system. In that case, you will see the screen shown below. You can simply choose the “Forgot password?” button (including if you have not previously set a password for your account), and you will receive an email with the link to reset your password.

You will receive an email like the following:


By choosing the “Reset my password” button, you will be sent to the following page:

Enter your desired new password and choose the “Confirm” button.

You can now use this account to review your organization’s tickets.

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