Modifying the Many-To-One Template

Modifying the Many-To-One Template

Deleting extraneous volumes from the Many-To-One Template

On Target side

If your Source Node only contains a single volume, or only one of the volumes needs to be transferred to the target, a flow will have to be deleted from the default template. This process can also be used if you have made a mistake and wish to delete and recreate a given flow.

To delete a flow, you must first delete the connector, which can be accomplished by right-clicking the connector, and selecting 'Delete'.

Once the connector is deleted, you can delete the SoftNAS ProcessFileListTarget Volume 2 panel  in the same manner (right-click and Delete).

Note: Attempting to delete the SoftNAS ProcessFileListTarget Volume 2  panel without deleting the connector will result in the following error. This error can also occur if attempting to delete anything from a flow that is in progress. (If you attempt to delete a connector and get this error, check to see if the  SoftNAS ProcessFileListTarget Volume 2 or RouteonAttribute panels show as active or stopped.)

On Source Nodes

The same process holds true on the Source node. First, delete the  connections to the "Remote Factory" volume you wish to delete.

Then delete the 'Remote Factory' volume itself.

Adding Volume workflows to the Many-To-One template

On the Target Node

Log into your instance/virtual machine by entering the IP address into your browser. 

  1. Open the Remote Factory Aggregation by double-clicking.

  2. Next, open the Remote Factory Aggregation Processor, again by double-clicking.

  3. Open (double-click) the Remote Node factory you want to add a volume to. (i.e. If the additional volume is on Remote (Source) Node 1, select Remote Node 1 Factory.)

  4. Right-click and select Configure on the RouteOnAttribute and add the property and value:

    1. Select one of the existing properties, and copy the 'Route to Property Name" string, then hit cancel.

    2. Select the plus symbol "+" at the top right.
    3. Add the Property Name (i.e. TargetVolume3).

    4. Paste the 'Route to Property Name' and correct for the added mount point. Click Apply.

  5. Select and copy one of the 'SoftNAS ProcessFile list Target Volume' processors. Paste the copied processor on to the work space.

  6. Right-click and select Configure on the new SoftNAS ProcessFileList Target Volume processor and apply the new mount point details:

    1. Under Settings change the Name to 'SoftNAS ProcessFileList Target Volume 3' and select Apply.

    2. Change the properties to the new mount point. Compare the properties to your previous volumes to ensure accuracy. Click Apply when done.

  7. Create a connection from the RouteOnAttribute to the new Target Volume processor, by clicking and dragging the arrow icon in the middle to the Target Volume processor.

    1. Select the new TargetVolume3 in the Details.

    2. Configure the settings.

    3. Click Add to save the changes.

  8. Create a connection from the Target Volume to the Output, by clicking and dragging the arrow icon in the middle to the Output

    1. Select 'get file' and 'sync request' under Details.

    2. Configure the Settings (PriorityAttributePrioritizer and FirstInFirstOutPrioritizer).

    3. Click Add to save the changes.

On the Source Node

Log into your instance/virtual machine by entering the IP address into your browser. 

  1. Open the Remote Factory Aggregation by double-clicking. 

  2. Copy one of the Remote Factory processors and paste it to the workspace.

  3. Right-click the copied Remote Factory processor, and select Configure.

  4. Change the processor name to Remote Factory - Volume 3 and Apply to save the changes.

  5. Double-click the new Remote Factory to open it. This will open a new set of parameters to modify. 

  6. Select SoftNAS GetFileListSourceVolume, right-click and select Configure.

    1. Change the name under settings to reflect Volume 3 instead of 1.

    2. Update properties to reflect the new mount point.

    3. Apply to save

  7. Select 'Volume 1 Input' at the top, then right-click and choose Configure. Change the name to reflect the correct volume number (i.e. 'Volume 3 Input').

  8. Select 'Volume 1 Output' at the bottom, and right-click. Click Configure and change the name to reflect the volume being configured (i.e. 'Volume 3 Output').

  9. Return back up the hierarchy to the Remote Factory Aggregation.

  10. Create a connection from the new Remote Factory to the Remote Processor at the top by clicking and dragging the arrow icon in the middle.

  11. Set the priorities.

  12. Right-click the RouteOnAttribute and click Configure to add the property and value:
    1. Select one of the existing properties, and copy the 'Route to Property Name" string, then hit cancel.
    2. Select the plus symbol "+" at the top right.
    3. Add the Property Name (i.e. TargetVolume3).

    4. Paste the 'Route to Property Name' and correct for the added mount point. Click OK, then Apply.

  13. Create a connection from the RouteOnAttribute at the bottom to the new Remote Factory, again by clicking and dragging the arrow icon.

    1. Select the Volume3 in the Details.

    2. Then click Settings, and configure the Priorities. (PriorityAttributePrioritizer and FirstinFirstOutPrioritizer)

    3.  Click Add.

  14. Move back up the hierarchy to the FlexFiles Flow.

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