AWS Getting Started - Selecting an AMI

AWS Getting Started - Selecting an AMI

The primary consideration for determining which SoftNAS AMI is right for you is usage. Each version of SoftNAS provides an enterprise-class, full-featured cloud NAS filer. However, the amount of storage supported is dependent on the version/license selected.

In the AWS Marketplace, you are provided with the following options:

  • SoftNAS - SoftNAS  is a software-defined, full-featured enterprise cloud NAS filer for primary data using either block, object or both types of storage. It provides an integrated global cloud data platform, combining a software-defined enterprise-class NAS virtual storage appliance, backups and data movement; and data integration/replication for IT to manage and control data centrally. Customers save time and money while increasing efficiency.
  • SoftNAS BYOL - Buurst does offer unlimited licenses for larger storage requirements, but these require the purchase of a BYOL (Bring Your Own License) version by contacting the SoftNAS’ sales team.

From the Marketplace

  • To select your AMI from the AWS Marketplace, go to https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace and log into your AWS account.
  • Type SoftNAS in the search bar, and perform the search.

  • Select the desired AMI from the list presented, based on the guidance provided at the top of this page.

  • Once your selection is made, click Continue to Subscribe.

  • Next, configure the software. 
  1. Keep the default Fulfillment Option 64-bit AMI selection. 
  2. Select the latest version. This should be the default selection.
  3. Select the region you wish your instance to reside in. 
  • Click Continue to Launch once your selections are made.

  • Select Launch through EC2  (NOT Launch from website) and click Launch.

Upon clicking Launch, you will be taken to step 2 of the Launch Instance Wizard, choosing an instance type (size). The creation and initial configuration of your instance is continued in AWS Getting Started - Creating Your Instances.

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