Configuring Lift and Shift Settings

Configuring Lift and Shift Settings

To begin Lift and Shift configuration, we must first configure Settings.

Make sure both nodes have been updated to the latest version and that both instances are running before beginning your Lift and Shift configuration. To update your instance, see Updating Software

  • Log into the source node - the instance currently hosting the data that you would like to 'shift'. Once logged into your source instance, whether on VMware, AWS or Azure, you will need to configure Lift and Shift Settings to begin the Lift and Shift™ operation. The purpose of this step is to establish a secure exchange using encrypted protocols such as 2-way SSL.
  • Select Settings from under Lift and Shift in the Storage Administration pane.
  • In Lift and Shift Settings, fill in the following information:
  • This Lift and Shift Node - Upon opening the Lift and Shift Settings panel, the private IP will auto-populate. Change this to the public-facing IP address of the current node (the IP address of the instance you are currently in). 
  • Web UI Port - As explained in Configuring Ports and Security Groups for Lift and Shift, the port used for the Web UI is 9443. 
  • Data Port - The Data Port is 8081.
  • Select Configure Service. This will take about 2 minutes to complete.

In order to use Lift and Shift a repository needs to be created on an external disk device to house the configuration and log files it will generate.  The default repository is located on the root device and must be relocated prior to use. It is recommended to not be placed on the root device because the logs can cause the root device to become full and impact the over SoftNAS performance.  To create a new repository location, perform the following steps:

  • Select Create New which will open a panel to allow you to provide the specific information to be used to create the new repository location.
    You can use your IAM policy to validate the creation of the disk device to be used. If you have a policy created and this box is checked, you will not need to provide the AWS Access key ID or Secret Access key.

If not using an IAM, you will need to provide the AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key used to create the SoftNAS deployment.

  • The recommended disk size is a minimum of 50GB, however you can specify larger if wanted.
  • FlexFiles is the default pool name which can also be changed if you prefer something different.
  • Home is the default for the volume name and can also be changed.

Select Configure Repository to apply these changes.

The loading process may take a minute or two so be patient.  The setting is complete if no errors are reported and the new IP is displayed.

  • Buurst also recommends increasing the Maximum concurrent thread count from 10 to 20.  

Increasing this does impact the CPU use so it is important to ensure you monitor the Instance performance. 

Once the Lift and Shift is configured and running, you may want to contact Buurst Support to see if they can provide additional guidance on further performance tuning suggestions.

  •  Repeat the process for each target node, providing the public IP address of the node you are currently working with. 

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