Configuring a Processor: Properties Tab

Configuring a Processor: Properties Tab

The Properties Tab provides a mechanism to configure Processor-specific behavior. There are no default properties. Each type of Processor must define which Properties make sense for its use case. Below, we see the Properties Tab for a RouteOnAttribute Processor:

In the top-right corner of the tab is a button for adding a New Property. Clicking this button will provide the DFM with a dialog to enter the name and value of a new property. Not all Processors allow User-Defined properties. Others require them. RouteOnAttribute is one of the latter.

Clicking on the value for the property will allow a DFM to change the value. Depending on the values that are allowed for the property, the user is either provided a drop-down from which to choose a value or is given a text area to type a value:

Some processors also have an Advanced User Interface (UI) built into them. For example, the UpdateAttribute processor has an Advanced UI. To access the Advanced UI, click the Advanced button that appears at the bottom of the Configure Processor window. Only processors that have an Advanced UI will have this button.

Some processors have properties that refer to other components, such as Controller Services, which also need to be configured. For example, the GetHTTP processor has an SSLContextService property, which refers to the StandardSSLContextService controller service. When DFMs want to configure this property but have not yet created and configured the controller service, they have the option to create the service on the spot, as depicted in the image below. For more information about configuring Controller Services, see the  NiFi's Controller Services section.

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