Managing Pool Details

Managing Pool Details

You can manage Storage Pool details from the Details tab. It provides detailed information about the storage pool, along with buttons that can be used to control the pool and its devices.

1. Pool Details Grid

The Pools Details Grid displays the list of pool devices in a tabular grid format. There are a number of useful pool and device statistics available.

The pool details table has the following fields.



Pool Devices

It is the name of the volume. You can click this name of a volume in the list to select it.


It shows the current status of the pool device. Based on the status, it shows the following types of indicators:

  • ONLINE icon- indicates the pool device is online, healthy and operating normally.
  •  DEGRADED icon -indicates the pool device is in a degraded state, continues to process data normally, but is at increased risk and requires attention.
  •  UNAVAIL or FAILED icon indicates the pool device is in a failed state

Read Errors

It shows the number of read errors during the last refresh period.

Write Errors

It shows the number of write errors during the last refresh period.

Checksum Errors

It shows the number of checksum errors detected.


It shows the number read I/O operations on the device.

Write IOPS

It shows the number of write I/O operations.

Read Bandwidth

It shows the read bandwidth of the device.

Write Bandwidth

It shows the write bandwidth of the device.

Checksum Errors

It shows the number of checksum errors detected.

Write Bandwidth

It shows the write bandwidth to the device.


It shows the additional information (if any) that may be available for a device.

2. Starting a Pool Scrub

A scrub is an operation which examines the integrity of all data across the entire pool. Any errors or issues in the pool are corrected. Press the "Refresh" button for an update on the scrub operations progress.

Scrub operations on large pools or pools with a large number of small files can take an extended period of time to complete. Please be patient when a scrub (or resilver) operation is in-progress - it will complete eventually, even if it takes several days for extremely large pools.

Starting a Scrub is very easy.

  • Navigate to Pool Details tab.
    The Pool Details will be displayed. 
  • Click the Start Pool Scrub button in the toolbar.
  • The Operation Success message box informing you about the successful starting of the pool scrub will be displayed. 
  • Click the Ok button. 

3. Stopping a Pool Scrub

You can stop a pool scrub operation that is in progress. It is not normally required to stop a pool scrub operation, as pool scrubs take place as lower-priority, background tasks.

  • To stop the pool scrub operation, simply click the Stop Pool Scrub button in the toolbar.

The pool scrub operation will be stopped.

4. Taking a Device Offline

You can take a selected device offline. Be careful when taking devices offline in an active, production storage pool, as it could potentially cause the pool to become unavailable, or at a minimum degrade the pool's ability to recover from an actual device failure. Taking devices offline should only be required if a device requires maintenance, which should be rare.

  • Select the device that you wish to take offline.
  • Click the Take Device Offline button in the toolbar. 

The selected device will be taken offline.

If a device is taken offline for a period of time, it will require resilvering to rebuild its integrity with the data changes that have occurred while it was offline.

5. Putting a Device Online

You can put a device online.

  • Select the device that you wish to put to online.
  • Click the Put Device Online button in the toolbar. 

The selected device will be put to online.

6. Replacing a Device

Replacing a device is usually done when a device has failed.

  • To replace a device, select the device in the Pool Details Grid list.
  • Click the Replace Device button. 

The selected device will be replaced by the Spare device.

You must have a spare device available - the next available spare will be used if there are multiple spares.

7. Removing a Device

A device can be removed from the pool.

  • To remove a device, select the device in the Pool Details Grid list
  • Click the Remove Device button. 
You must take appropriate care when removing devices from an active pool, as it could degrade or fail the storage pool and cause data loss if the pool is unable to tolerate the device being removed.

8. Refreshing Pool Details

You can refresh the pool detail list and update it with the latest information. To do so, simply click the Refresh button in the toolbar.

The Pool Detail list will be reloaded with the most current values.

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