Comparing Results: UltraFast™ vs TCP

Comparing Results: UltraFast™ vs TCP

Note: SoftNAS® UltraFast™ is a part of our legacy SoftNAS Platinum offering. It will not be visible in versions above 4.4.1 of our SoftNAS product, and is included here for legacy purposes.

UltraFast™ improves bandwidth exponentially, in some cases quadrupling the throughput of TCP. SoftNAS can assert as much till the cows come home, but without a solid performance comparison, we are just another company throwing out lofty promises. For this reason, we've made it simple to perform a speed test comparison between standard TCP protocol transfers, and our UltraFast™ algorithms. Not only does our UltraFast™ dashboard provide you a view of current traffic and throughput, we also make it easy to see the time saved by your users with a simple test.

Performing a Speedtest

To set up a speed test, simply open the UltraFast™ Storage Accelerator tab from the Storage Administration panel.

In UltraFast™ Storage Accelerator, select the Performance tab. Select the Connection you wish to test. Click Start Test.

The Speedtest will initiate after a few moments.

When complete, we encourage you to submit your results to SoftNAS. We want to see the improved throughput our clients are getting. To submit, click the submit button found at the bottom of your results:

Supply your email address, and you will be sent a link to download the same diagnostic data that is sent to SoftNAS.

The submit button will also supply performance RRD data that shows usage over time (for when the tech preview nears an end), a log of user actions and any errors that occurred, as well as standard SoftNAS diagnostics including ZFS information, system configuration, SoftNAS logs, etc.