[SoftNAS KB]: Running and retrieving support reports without email functionality.

[SoftNAS KB]: Running and retrieving support reports without email functionality.


If you are not receiving support logs to your email, and they are not being sent to support@softnas.com by your SoftNAS instance's SMTP agent, then these support reports can be retrieved manually. 


This article will provide instructions on how to retrieve support reports (logs) manually from a SoftNAS instance without email functionality.


  1. Run the following command from a system that has an internet access to get our latest support-report diagnostic tool.
    # wget https://softnas.com/getsupport/diagnostics.src

  2. You can use your favorite SCP tools to download the script (diagnostics.src)  to the /var/www/softnas/scripts/ directory of the server in question

  3. SSH to the server in question, and change directory (cd) to /var/www/softnas/scripts/ then type the following command:
    # chown root.root diagnostics.src
    # chmod 755 diagnostics.src
    # ./diagnostics.src

  4. The exported file should then appear in the  directory under /tmp/softnas-report.xxxx.tgz
  5. Change the permissions of the support report to prepare for download from the server:
    # chmod 644 /tmp/softnas-report.*.tgz

  6. WinSCP that file from the server.

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