ARM Template not launching SoftNAS 4.3.0 on Azure Cloud Platform

ARM Template not launching SoftNAS 4.3.0 on Azure Cloud Platform


Solution templates are no longer launching SoftNAS Enterprise nor SoftNAS Platinum Editions do to changes in Azure sunset policies.  Previous policy permitted current subscribers of a specific Azure Marketplace offer, SoftNAS Enterprise Edition – 10TB version 4.3.0 for example, to continue to purchase additional deployments if their subscription was active for it.  Recent changes to the Azure marketplace no longer permit subscribers to purchase sunsetted version. 

Some sample errors messages: 

Error: compute.VirtualMachinesClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="ResourcePurchaseValidationFailed" Message="User failed validation to purchase resources. Error message: 'Offer with PublisherId: softnas, OfferIdmp_ent cannot be purchased due to validation errors. See details for more information.'" 


Error: compute.VirtualMachinesClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="ResourcePurchaseValidationFailed" Message="User failed validation to purchase resources. Error message: 'Offer with PublisherId: softnas, OfferIdmp_plat cannot be purchased due to validation errors. See details for more information.'" 


Show what parameters need to be changed in the Terraform, ARM or other automation deployment templates used in order to keep using SoftNAS version 4.3.0. 


  1. If use set the VHD version, please change it from “4.3.0” to “4.3.5”.  The actual SoftNAS version that will be launched will still be 4.3.0.  The reason for changing to 4.3.5 is due to Azure publishing restriction. 

    Example: VHD image version: change to 4.3.5

    Keep "softnas" as publisher id. Do not switch to "buurst"

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