AWS Specific
Best Practices specific to the Amazon Web Services
Regions and Availability Zones/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
EBS Instance Selection/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
Amazon EBS volume types/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
Adding an AWS gp3 disk device/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
AWS Outposts/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
Azure Specific
VMware Specific
High Availability
Best Practices dealing with SNAP HA, SnapReplicate, and other subjects related to ensuring high availability
AWS Regions & Availability Zones/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
Maximum Data Protection/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
Write Logs/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
Data Protection
All things dealing with protecting the data
Maximum Data Protection/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
Migration (Lift and Shift)
Troubleshooting common issues and various tools to use
Performance Issues/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
How to Analyze a SoftNAS Log - NEED
Getting the most out of your SoftNAS deployment
SoftNAS Performance on AWS/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
Changing Monitoring Notification Frequency/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
Networking Tips/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
SnapReplicate iSCSI Volume Synchronization/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541
Applying CHAP Authentication to iSCSI ACLs/wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/93585541