This guide is for storage administrators and support personnel that have to manually migrate SoftNAS to a new marketplace version without an in-place upgrade.
Step-by-step guide for manual migration of a single SoftNAS instance with block device pools.
- Deploy the new instance that you will be migrating to from the marketplace:
- Deploy in the same VPC as the current SoftNAS.
- Deploy in the same subnet as the current SoftNAS.
- Assign the same security groups as the current SoftNAS.
- Assign the same IAM role as the current SoftNAS.
- Disable Source/Destination check on the new SoftNAS instance.
- Copy over the following config files from the current instance to the new instance.
- Only copy the shares sections of smb.conf if they exist, do not copy the '[global]' section.
- If you are using tiered pools, copy the below files over:
- '/var/www/softnas/config/btier_migrations_saved_sdtiera'
- Copy over any custom monitors you may have in '/etc/monit.d/' if they exist.
- Power off both instances to migrate the disk devices.
- Power off the current instance.
- Power off the instance you are migrating to.
- Migrate the disk devices from the current instance where they are attached to the new instance.
- Log into the AWS EC2 console.
- Make note of the device order of the current attached disk devices on the current instance.
- Detach them all.
- Re-attach the devices in the same order and device id to the new instance.
- Power on the new instance.
- At boot time the ZFS pools should be imported and mounted with no user interaction.
- If using Active Directory, join the new instance to Active Directory at this time.
- Follow the instructions in the AD Wizard.
Step-by-step guide for manual migration of a HA Pair SoftNAS instances with block device pools.
- Deploy the new instances that you will be migrating to from the marketplace:
- Deploy in the same VPC as the current SoftNAS instances.
- Deploy in the same subnet as the current SoftNAS instances.
- Assign the same security groups as the current SoftNAS instances.
- Assign the same IAM role as the current SoftNAS instances.
- Disable Source/Destination check on the new SoftNAS instances.
- Set up replication and HA on the new nodes while there are no devices attached.
- 'Add Replication' from the Snapreplication menu.
- 'Add HA' from the Snapreplication menu.
- Deactivate replication on the current HA pair you are migrating from.
- 'Actions > Deactivate' from the Snapreplication menu.
- Deactivate replication on the new HA pair that you are migrating to.
- 'Actions > Deactivate' from the Snapreplication menu.
- Copy over the following config files from the current instances to the new instances (each node).
- Only copy the shares sections of smb.conf if they exist, do not copy the '[global]' section.
- If you are using tiered pools, copy the below files over:
- '/var/www/softnas/config/btier_migrations_saved_sdtiera'
- Copy over any custom monitors you may have in '/etc/monit.d/' if they exist.
- Copy over these config files from current primary instance to the new primary instance for replication to work.
- Any snapvol configs in '/var/www/softnas/config/'.
- '/var/www/softnas/config/snapvol-*.ini
- Copy over only the Relationship1-Tasks from '/var/www/softnas/config/snaprepstatus.ini'
- open '/var/www/softnas/config/snaprepstatus.ini' on the current instance in a text editor.
- Copy the section labeled '[Relationship1-Tasks]' at the bottom of the file into /var/www/softnas/config/snaprepstatus.ini' on the new primary instance.
- Each item mentioned in '[Relationship1-Tasks]' will have a corresponding 'snapvol-*.ini' file associated with it.
- Any snapvol configs in '/var/www/softnas/config/'.
- Power off all instances to migrate the disk devices.
- Power off the current instances.
- Power off the instances you are migrating to.
- Migrate the disk devices from the current instances where they are attached to the new instances.
- Log into the AWS EC2 console.
- Make note of the device order of the current attached disk devices on the current instances.
- Detach them all.
- Re-attach the devices in the same order and device id to the new instances.
- Power on the new instances.
- At boot time the ZFS pools should be imported and mounted with no user interaction.
- If using Active Directory, join the new instance to Active Directory at this time.
- Follow the instructions in the AD Wizard.
- Reactivate replication and HA on teh new instances
- Go to the Snapreplication menu on the new primary instance.
- You should see that the UI looks like its in a 'Snapreplicate Complete' state and is populated as it was on the old instances.
- If not, you may have missed a step.
- From the 'Actions' menu, select 'Reactivate'
- You should see a delta-sync operation then normal replication should pick up where it left off.
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