Configuring SnapReplicate™
Having prepared the environment on both AWS SoftNAS on AWS instances, we can now set up high availability. The first step towards high availability in SoftNAS is to establish replication. SnapReplicate™ makes this as simple as completing a quick wizard.
- On the Primary SoftNAS Instance (Source Controlleryour primary instance (source controller) navigate to SnapReplicate/SNAP HA in the Storage Administration paneHA.
- Click the Add Replication button located in the Replication Control Panel.
- From the Add Replication wizard
- Read the Instructions and , read the Instructions and then click the Next button.
- Enter the IP the IP address of the your secondary SoftNAS instance (Target) in the IP address text box. This step is specifying the network path that SnapReplicate™ traffic will take.
- Once done, click the Next button.
Note |
The source node must be able to connect via HTTPS to the target node (similar to how the browser user logs into StorageCenter using HTTPS). HTTPS is used to create the initial SnapReplicate configuration. Next, several SSH sessions are established to ensure two-way communications between the nodes is possible. When connecting two Amazon EC2 nodes, it is best to use the internal instance IP addresses, as traffic is routed internally by default between instances in EC2. |
Note |
If you have not yet done so, the Security Group on each instance should be configured with the internal IP addresses of the paired instance (the source instance should recognize traffic from the target instance, and the target instance should recognize traffic from the source) to ensure both HTTPS and SSH traffic between instances is recognized. See Configuring AWS Getting Started - Network Configuration (Security Groups) to learn more. |
Enter the username of for the secondary instance (target instance ) in the Remote admin user ID text box.
Info The username should be softnas.
Enter the password of for the secondary instance (target instance ) and verify in the appropriate text boxes.
Info The Unless changed, by default, the password will be the Instance ID by default unless changedof the target instance.
- Once done, click the Next button.
- Read the final instructions and then Finish Replication Setup instructions and click the Finish button.
- The SnapReplicate relationship between the two SoftNAS controller nodes will be established. The corresponding SyncImage of the SnapReplicate will be displayed.
- After data from the volumes on the source node is mirrored to the target, once per minute SnapReplicate transfers keep the target node hot with data block changes from the source volumes.
- The tasks and an event log will be displayed in the Replication Control Panel section. This indicates that a SnapReplicate relationship is established and that replication should be taking place.
Configuring SNAP HA™
SnapReplicate™ establishes a replication relationship, one that can be manually triggered or scheduled, but is not automated. For true high availability in a failover situation, SNAP HA™ must be configured as well.
- While still on the SnapReplicate/SNAP HA page, click the Add SNAP HA button in the Replication Control Panel.
Note |
Configuration of SnapReplicate™ is a prerequisite to setup of SNAP HA™. If SnapReplicate™ is not configured, the Add SNAP HA™ button will be grayed out. |
Note |
If you have not yet configured a notification email, |
you will need to provide one |
prior to continuing SNAP HA™. |
- Provide an email address for support reports and logs to be sent to,
- Click OK.
- Click Add SNAP HA™ once more if the prompt for an email notification occurred.
The Add High Availability wizard will begin.
- Provide a Virtual IP address.
- Click Next to continue.
- Enter your e-mail into the Email text box.
- Once done, click the OK button.
- From the Add High Availability wizard, read the Instructions and then click the Next button.
- Enter a Virtual IP into the Virtual IP text box.
- Once done, click the Next button.
Note |
The Virtual IP is a human-configured IP address (you choose the IP) |
. It can be any IP address that falls outside the CIDR block of the IP addresses of the two SoftNAS HA paired nodes. |
the administrator credentials if prompted. However, inyour AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key in the appropriate text boxes.
yourNote In most cases,
policyyour IAM
.Policy will handle this
- Click Next to continue.
You can determine
and you will not need to enter anything.
- Once done, click the Next button.
- In the HA Num of retries text box, enter the max number of retries before your virtual machine fails over.
- You can determine the In the Storage timeout text box, enter the max time (in seconds) that storage can be unavailable before a failover is triggered.
- You can also set a default In the Max. hoping request time (ms) text box, enter the default time for max ioping request timerequests, to ensure that a failover is triggered more quickly in event of failure.
- Finally, you can determine the From the HA node recovery mode section, select the behavior of the failed node during a failover.
Info |
- Click Next to continueOnce done, click the Next button.
- Click Install to begin the HA installationthe Install button to start the HA Installation.
Note |
- Once complete, click the Next button.
- Read the Finish HA Setup instructions and click the Finish button.
- After completion, the High Availability SoftNAS pair
- is successfully set up across Availability Zones.