Versions Compared


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Your second instance will mirror the first. You will again log in to the AWS management console, and again select the EC2 Dashboard. Again, select Launch Instance.

  1. From the AWS Marketplace, type softnas in the search bar, and select the same AMI you previously selected.

  2. Select the same instance size chosen for the first instance, which in this case is r5.2xlarge.

  3. In Configure Instance Details, select the same VPC used for the first instance. However, you will need to make certain to select a separate Availability Zone. For instance if you selected a subnet with US East 1-a at the tail end, you would select a separate subnet for this instance, for example US East 1-b or c.


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  •  Mirror the remaining settings in Instance Details to your original instance, including adding a


  • second Network Interface.


  •  Next, we have the Add Storage step. If you added storage to your first instance from the Add Storage configuration step, then it is a good idea to mirror this setup on the second. If not, remember that adding storage at this point is entirely optional, and you can skip ahead by selecting Next:Add Tags.

Again, adding tags is an entirely optional step, but if you did provide a tag for the first instance, it can be a quick and easy step to repeat the process, providing the same tags. This would in essence place the two new instances into the same searchable group.

  •  Next, it is time to configure a Security Group. Again, mirror the previous configuration. The default security group configuration will provide the needed ports for a simple highly available configuration. Remember it is always a good idea for security's sake to lock down traffic to a single IP or IP range.

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  •  Finally, we are ready


  • to Review and Launch. Again, review the settings to verify your selections


  • .
  •  click Launch.


  •  The Launch button will again bring up a prompt to select or create a key pair. While you can create another key pair, it may be easier if you only have to keep track of one for any given pairing of SoftNAS instances. If there is no compelling reason for a second key pair, select Choose an Existing Key Pair, and find the key pair used for the first instance. Check the box to confirm you have access to the key pair, and click Launch Instance.


  •  As with the first instance, you will then need to create a NAT, AWS Direct Connect, or a VPN if you wish to connect via browser. 

  •  Return to the first instance created, and continue to AWS Getting Started - Configuring
