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The "softnas-cmd" command line interface utility facilitates integration with the REST API as a CLI (command line interface).  softnas-cmd is written in CURL and is cross-platform code. It may also be useful as example code for how to use the API, for those who wish to explore it in more detail as a working example. This document has been produced by running `softnas-cmd --help`.

The softnas-cmd CLI is designed to be used from the command line. When running within the Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment, softnas-cli is a convenient tool for use with Cloud Formation templates, which can be combined to automate configuration and setup of SoftNAS storage systems.

As with all SoftNAS API applications, softnas-cmd requires that you first authenticate with the SoftNAS server using the "login" command.  Once you are logged in, softnas-cmd maintains a simulated cookie jar that emulates how a browser interacts with a web server to maintain session security (required by the SoftNAS server).  Subsequent commands issued via the softnas-cmd CLI make use of the login session (which expires after 30 minutes).


softnas-cmd [-h | --help] | [[-b | --base_url URL] [-s | --session_id SESSION_ID]  [-i | --insecure] | [-t | --pretty_print] COMMAND [OPTIONS]]



    -h [command name], --help [command name]

Display this help message and exit. You can specify the command name to get the help for only one softnas command.

    -b, --base_url URL

Set base url for SoftNAS Application. By default URL=https://localhost/softnas

    -s, --session_id SESSION_ID

Set the current session id to be used to used store session information. By default SESSION_ID=PPID.

    -i, --insecure

Disable SSL verification.

    -t, --pretty_print

Display json result with indentation.



Login into SoftNAS Application.





softnas-cmd login softnas Pass4W0rd


Logout from SoftNAS Application.


softnas-cmd logout


This command is used to keep session active. By default session timeout is set to 30 minutes. if you want to keep session from being expired just call this function.    


softnas-cmd resetsessiontimer


Returns the current license information.  


softnas-cmd licenseinfo


Activate a license key for use with SoftNAS


 licencekey: the licence key; i.e., "softnas"

register name: the registered name of the license key

hardware id: can be obtained from "licenseinfo" in amazon the hardware id is the instance id     


softnas-cmd licenseactivate CEAASA-BESNJA-8MEED6-AHAZZN-XHWB8X-A2NUK3 RBLLC i-0b06fe44


Force SoftNAS to use its built-in, default license.


softnas-cmd internallicense


Acknowledge the license agreement (to enable use of the product).


softnas-cmd ackagreement


Check to see if new software updates are available.


softnas-cmd internallicense


Execute and apply software updates.


softnas-cmd executeupdate


Return the status of an update that is in-progress (started by executeupdate).


softnas-cmd statusupdate


Returns list of available disk devices.


softnas-cmd availabledisks


Lists available storage pools.


start: position to start from (used for pagination)

limit: number of items to get


softnas-cmd pools 1 10


List a storage pool's detailed attributes.


pool name: the pool name


softnas-cmd pooldetails pool1


Issue a command to control a storage pool.


command name: zpool command name (startscrub, stopscrub, setonline, setoffline, removedevice, replacedevice)

pool name: the pool name


softnas-cmd poolcommand <command> [arguments]


Delete pool storage.


pool name: the pool name


softnas-cmd deletepool pool1


List available storage volumes.


start: position to start from (used for pagination)

limit: number of items to get


softnas-cmd volumes 1 10


Create a volume.     


vol_name: name of volume

pool: selected pool name

vol_type: possible values :

- filesystem: Filesystem (NFS, CIFS)

- blockdevice: Block Device (iSCSI LUN)

provisioning: allocation space type. Possible values :

- thin: Thin Provision - dynamically allocate space as it is needed

- thick: Thick Provision - preallocate space from storage pool now

reserve_space: volume size (number)

reserve_units: size unit i.e G (Giga)

compression: enable commpression

dedup: enable commpression

shareISCS: enable share ISCSI

shareCIFS: enable share CIFS

exportNFS: enable export NFS

enable_snapshots: Enable scheduled volume snapshots

schedule_name: Snapshot schedule name

hourlysnaps: hourly maximum number of scheduled snapshot

dailysnaps: daily maximum number of scheduled snapshot

weeklysnaps: weekly maximum number of scheduled snapshot

sync: controls the behavior of synchronous requests

- standard: standard is the POSIX specified behavior of ensuring all synchronous requests are written to stable  storage  and  all  devices are flushed to ensure data is not cached by device controllers (this is the default).

- always: always causes every file system transaction to be written and flushed before its system call returns. This has a large performance penalty.

- disabled: this disables synchronous requests. File system  transactions are only committed to stable storage periodically. This option will give the highest performance.  However, it is very dangerous as ZFS would be ignoring the synchronous transaction demands of applications such as databases or NFS.  Administrators should only use this option when the risks are understood.


softnas-cmd createvolume vol_name=volume5 pool=pool3 vol_type=filesystem provisioning=thin exportNFS=on shareCIFS=on dedup=on enable_snapshot=on schedule_name=Default hourlysnaps=5 dailysnaps=10 weeklysnaps=0 sync=always


Edit a volume.


softnas-cmd availabledisks


Delete a volume.


volume name: name of volume

pool name: pool name


softnas-cmd deletevolume volume6 pool3


List available schedules.


softnas-cmd schedulelist


List available snapshots.


pool name: pool name i.e 'pool3/vol1'

start: position to start from (used for pagination)

limit: number of items to get


softnas-cmd snapshotlist pool3/vol1 0 10



        issue a volume snapshot control command


            command : possible values

                - create  : create new snapshot. Related options:

                    - pool_name     : pool name i.e 'pool3/vol1'

                    - volume_name   : volume name

                - clone  : clone snapshot. Related options:

                    - pool_name     : pool name i.e 'pool3/vol1'

                    - volume_name   : volume name

                    - snap_name     : snapshot name to be cloned

                - delete : delete snaphot list

                    - snapshots     : list of snapshot to be deleted in this format "poolname,volumename,snapshotname:poolname1,volumename1,snapshotname1". see example

        EXAMPLE 1 : create snapshot

            softnas-cmd snapcommand create pool_name=pool1 volume_name=vol1

        EXAMPLE 2 : clone snapshot

            softnas-cmd snapcommand clone pool_name=pool1 volume_name=vol1 snap_name=snaphot1

        EXAMPLE 3 : delete snapshots

            softnas-cmd snapcommand delete 'snapshots=pool1,volume1,snap-20150605-140647-cloned-Jun52015-141106:pool1,volume1,snap-20150606-070607'



        list of available iSCSI targets


            start       : position to start from (used for pagination)

            limit       : number of items to get


        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd iscsitargetlist  0 10 returnGlobals



        list of available disk devices and their status

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd diskdevices



        issue a disk management command


            command : possible values

                - createS3disk  : create s3 disk. Related options:

                    - awsAccessKey      : s3 aws access key id

                    - awsSecretKey      : s3 aws secret key

                    - s3bucket          : s3 bucket name must be unique

                    - bucketroot        : s3 bucket root

                    - sizeMaxValue      : Disk size

                    - sizeMaxUnits      : Size unit TB or GB

                    - diskpassword      : disk password protection

                    - encrypted         : add it to encrypt disk

                    - readahead         :

                    - blockCacheDevice  : s3 cache device

                    - region            : aws region. Possible values :

                        - us-west-2, oregon                 : oregon

                        - us-west-1, northern_california    : northern california

                        - eu-west-1, ireland                : ireland

                        - ap-southeast-1, singapore         : singapore

                        - ap-southeast-2, sydney            : sydney

                        - ap-northeast-1, tokyo             : tokyo

                        - ap-northeast-1, seoul             : seoul

                        - sa-east-1, sao_paulo              : sao paulo

                        - eu-central-1, frankfurt           : frankfurt

                        - us-gov-west-1, govcloud           : govcloud

                        - us-east-1, virginia, default      : virginia

                - deleteS3disk  : delete s3 disk

                    - s3diskname        : s3 disk name  i.e (/dev/s3-0)

                - getS3settings : get list of s3 setting stored in config file

                - bucketlist    : get list of aws s3 buckets

                - createEBSdisk : create EBS disk. Related options :

                    - awsAccessKey      : s3 aws access key id

                    - awsSecretKey      : s3 aws secret key

                    - sizeMaxValue      : Disk size in GB

                    - type              : Disk type. Possible values:

                        - gp2       : General Purpose (SSD)

                        - io1       : Provisioned IOPS (SSD). Related option:

                            - iops      : Number of Input/Output Operations Per Second

                        - standard  : Standard

                    - numberDisks       : Number of disks to add

                    - deleteOnTermination: Enable delete on termination

                    - prewarming        : Enable prewarming

                - createAzureDisk  : create Azure disk. Related options:

                    - username          : Azure account username

                    - password          : Azure account password

                    - storageAccount    : Azure storage account

                    - sizeMaxValue      : Disk size

                    - sizeMaxUnits      : Size unit TB or GB

                    - numberDisks       : Number of disks to add

                - createExtenderDisk    : create extender disk. Related options:

                    - type              : disk type. Possible values are: centurylink, cloudian, dunkel, google, hitachi, netapp, azureBlob, custom

                    - accessKey         : access key for Azure account

                    - secretKey         : secret key for Azure account

                    - bucketName        : Azure bucket name

                    - sizeMaxValue      : Disk size

                    - sizeMaxUnits      : Size unit TB or GB

                    - encrypted         : password for encrypting the disk

        EXAMPLE 1 : create s3 disk

            softnas-cmd diskmgmt createS3disk awsAccessKey=YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID awsSecretKey=YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY s3bucket=softnas-test-1 bucketroot=softnas sizeMaxValue=500 sizeMaxUnits=GB region=default encrypted diskpassword=password123* readahead blockCacheDevice=/dev/xvdf

        EXAMPLE 2 : get list of buckets

            softnas-cmd diskmgmt bucketlist

        EXAMPLE 3 : get list of s3 setting stored in config file

            softnas-cmd diskmgmt getS3settings

        EXAMPLE 4 : delete s3 disk

            softnas-cmd diskmgmt deleteS3disk "/dev/s3-0"

        EXAMPLE 5 : Create EBS Disk General Purpose (SSD)

            softnas-cmd diskmgmt createEBSdisk awsAccessKey=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX awsSecretKey='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' sizeMaxValue=10 type=gp2 numberDisks=2 deleteOnTermination prewarming -t

        EXAMPLE 6 : Create EBS Disk Provisioned IOPS (SSD)

            softnas-cmd diskmgmt createEBSdisk awsAccessKey=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX awsSecretKey='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' sizeMaxValue=100 type=io1 iops=3000 numberDisks=2 deleteOnTermination prewarming -t

        EXAMPLE 7 : Create azure Disk

            softnas-cmd diskmgmt createAzureDisk username=softnas password=Pass4W0rd storageAccount=SoftnasStorage sizeMaxValue=100 sizeMaxUnits=GB -t



        issue a disk partitioning command


            command : possible values

                - partition_all     : partion all disk not partioned

                - add_partition

                - remove_partition

                - disk name         : selected disk device name

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd parted_command add_partition dev/xvdr



        issue SnapReplicate command


            command : possible values

                - snapverify            : verify the remote node. Related options:

                    - remotenode            : ip adress of remote node

                    - userid                : username for remote node

                    - password              : password of remote node

                - initsnapreplicate     : begin initial replicate with remote node

                    - type                  : type of remote node possible values source or target

                    - remotenode            : ip adress of remote node

                    - userid                : username for remote node

                    - password              : password of remote node

                - keyexchange           : Exchange servers keys and allow remote servers ssh connection for each node

                    - keyfile               : public key file path (/var/www/softnas/keys/SoftNAS-PrimaryPublic.pem)

                    - pubEncoded            : Keyfile content base64 encoded

                    - serverEncoded         : rsa public host key content file base 64 encoded (/etc/ssh/

                    - serverIP              : server node ip (sender)

                - snapreplicatestatus   : get the current status of replication

                    - start                 : position to start from (used for pagination)

                    - limit                 : number of items to get

                - snapreplog            : get snapreplicate log

                    - start                 : position to start from (used for pagination)

                    - limit                 : number of items to get

                - snapreplicatetasks    : get snapreplicate tasks

                    - start                 : position to start from (used for pagination)

                    - limit                 : number of items to get

                - forcesync             : force full synchronization of all volumes image or specific volume between nodes

                    - volume_path           : optional, you can specify a volume (poolname/volumename) to force full synchronization

                - replicatenow          : get snapreplicate log

                - activate              : activate replication

                - deactivate            : deactivate replication

                - takeover              : takeover as replication source

                - giveback              : giveback replication source duties

                - deletereplication     : remove the replication

                - getsettings           : get replication settings

                - modifysettings        : edit replication settings

                    - loglevel              : Logging Level. Possible values

                        -- info  : Informational, warning and error messages (default)

                        -- debug : Debug, informational, warning and error messages (all messages)

                        -- warn  : Warning and error messages

                        -- error : Error messages only

                        -- fatal : Fatal messages only

                        -- off   : No messages (not recommended)

                    - transportcmd          : Transport Command

                    - transportflags        : Transport Flags

                    - cipherspec            : Cipher Spec

                    - compressenabled       : Compress data stream (consumes additional CPU)

                    - throttleenabled       : enable bandwidth Throttle (per stream)

                    - throttlelimit         : limit size

                    - throttleunits         : size unit possible values

                        -- b => bits/sec

                        -- k => Kbits/sec

                        -- m => Mbits/sec

                        -- B => Bytes/sec

                        -- K => Kbytes/sec

                        -- M => MBytes/sec

        EXAMPLE 1 : snapreplicate verify remote node

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand snapverify remotenode= userid=softnas password=Pass4W0rd -t

        EXAMPLE 2 : initiate snapreplicate

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand initsnapreplicate remotenode= userid=softnas password=Pass4W0rd type=target -t

        EXAMPLE 3 : get snapreplicate status

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand snapreplicatestatus start=0 limit=10 -t

        EXAMPLE 4 : get snapreplicate log

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand snapreplog start=0 limit=10 -t

        EXAMPLE 5 : delete snapreplication

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand deletereplication -t

        EXAMPLE 6 : get replication settings

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand getsettings -t

        EXAMPLE 7 : force full synchronization of all volumes images between 2 nodes

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand forcesync -t

        EXAMPLE 8 : force full synchronization volume image between 2 nodes, you can specify a volume (poolname/volumename) to force full synchronization

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand forcesync poolname/volumename -t

        EXAMPLE 9 : start replication cycle

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand replicatenow -t

        EXAMPLE 10 : activate replication

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand activate -t

        EXAMPLE 11 : deactivate replication

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand deactivate -t

        EXAMPLE 12 : change role to primary node

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand takeover -t

        EXAMPLE 13 : change role to secondery node

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand giveback -t

        EXAMPLE 14 : modify replication settings

            softnas-cmd snaprepcommand modifysettings loglevel=info transportcmd=ssh transportflags="-o ConnectTimeout=30" cipherspec="aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,3des-cbc,cast128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc" compressenabled=on throttleenabled=on throttlelimit=200 throttleunits=K throttleflags= -t



        issue ha command


            command : possible values

                - checklicense      : check for valid ha license

                    - haLicenseKey      : Ha license key (required)

                    - regname           : license registration name (optional). If not specified it will use softnas.ini registration name.

                - checkHAcontroller : Check for valid HA Controller IP address

                    - haControllerIP    : Controller IP address

                - install           : Begin install HA from the SnapReplicate "source" node

                    - haLicenseKey      : Ha license key (required)

                    - regname           : license registration name (optional). If not specified it will use softnas.ini registration name.

                - add               : Begin Add configuration of SNAP HA from the SnapReplicate "source" node

                    - awsAccessKey      : aws Access Key

                    - awsSecretKey      : aws Secret Key

                    - ha_type           : Possible values :

                                            - VIP : for private virtual ip

                                            - EIP : for aws elastic IP

                    - vip               : virtual IP (AWS Elastic IP)

                    - haControllerIP    : Controller IP address (required only on Virtual machine)

                - del               : Delete HA from SnapReplicate

                - azure_install     : Begin install Azure HA from the SnapReplicate "source" node

                    - azureUsername     : The main azure username credential (required)

                    - azurePassword     : The main azure password credential (required)

                    - vip               : A virtual IP address (VIP or VIPA) is a private IP address that doesn't correspond to an actual physical network interface (port). ie

                - azure_delete      : Delete Azure HA from SnapReplicate

        EXAMPLE 1 : check HA license

            softnas-cmd hacommand checklicense XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX --pretty_print

        EXAMPLE 2 : install HA

            softnas-cmd hacommand install XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX --pretty_print

        EXAMPLE 3 : Add HA

            softnas-cmd hacommand add YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY EIP --pretty_print

        EXAMPLE 4 : check HA controller

            softnas-cmd hacommand checkHAcontroller --pretty_print

        EXAMPLE 5 : delete HA

            softnas-cmd hacommand del --pretty_print

        EXAMPLE 6 : Azure install HA

            softnas-cmd hacommand azure_install azureUsername azurePassword --pretty_print

        EXAMPLE 7 : Azure delete HA

            softnas-cmd hacommand azure_delele --pretty_print


    perfmon get performance monitoring status information

        IMPORTANT : This command gives 30 records. You should call this command in serie between each call less than 10 sec to get performance monitoring status information. For the first call this command will return all values as false and each next call with new record values.

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd perfmon



        get NAS overview status information

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd overview



        get network performance status information

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd netstats



        get disk performance status information

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd diskstats



        creates new storage pool


            disk devices        : list of diskdevices separated by comma ":"

            pool name           : the pool name

            raid level          : possible values

                0 : No RAID, JBOD

                1 : RAID 1/10 (mirror, striped mirrors)

                5 : RAID-Z (single parity)

                6 : RAID-Z2 (dual parity)

                7 : RAID-Z3 (triple parity)

            enable compression  : possible values on, off

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd createpool /dev/xvdf:/dev/xvdg pool1 1 on -t



        create cache disk devices for pool storage


            disk devices    : list of diskdevices separated by comma ":"

            pool name       : the pool name

            force cache     : possible values on, off

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd readcache /dev/xvdr pool3 on



        create log disk devices for pool storage


            disk devices    : list of diskdevices separated by comma ":"

            pool name       : the pool name

            raid level      : possible values 0, 1

                0 : No RAID, JBOD

                1 : RAID 1/10 (mirror, striped mirrors)

            force cache     : possible values on, off

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd writelog /dev/xvdk pool3 0 on



        add spare disk to storage pool


            disk devices    : list of diskdevices separated by comma ":"

            pool name       : the pool name

            forced spare    : possible values on, off

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd addspare /dev/xvdn pool3 on



        import deleted or foreign pools


            pool name       : the pool name

            pool type       : possible values deleted, foreign

            force           : possible values on, off

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd importpool pool1 deleted on



        issue a EBS snapshots backup command


            command : possible values

                - list      : list ebs backup snapshots. Related options:

                    - start         : position to start from (used for pagination) (optional)

                    - limit         : number of items to get (optional)

                - create    : create new ebs backup snapshot. Related options:

                    - access_key    : AWS S3 access key id (required)

                    - secret_key    : AWS S3 secret key (required)

                - restore   : restore ebs snapshot. Related options:

                    - SnapshotID    : Snapshot ID to restore (required)

                    - access_key    : AWS S3 access key id (required)

                    - secret_key    : AWS S3 secret key (required)

                - delete    : clone snapshot. Related options:

                    - SnapshotID    : Snapshot ID to delete (required)

        EXAMPLE 1 : list ebs backup snapshots.

            softnas-cmd backup list 0 10 --pretty_print

        EXAMPLE 2 : clone snapshot

            softnas-cmd backup create 'yourAwsAccessKey' 'yourAwsSecretKey' --pretty_print

        EXAMPLE 3 : restore ebs snapshot

            softnas-cmd backup restore 'SnapshotID' 'yourAwsAccessKey' 'yourAwsSecretKey' --pretty_print

        EXAMPLE 4 : delete ebs snapshot

        softnas-cmd backup delete 'SnapshotID' --pretty_print



        list tiered storage devices

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_devices



        mark tiered storage device as enabled (but do not import it)


            name            : human-readable tier name (ex. tierA)

            device          : device node (ex. sdtiera)

            uuid            : tier uuid

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_enable name=tierA

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_enable device=sdtiera

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_enable uuid=5B074FFFFF23FFFF56FFFFFF


        mark tiered storage device as disabled (but do not export it)


            name            : human-readable tier name (ex. tierA)

            device          : device node (ex. sdtiera)

            uuid            : tier uuid

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_disable name=tierA

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_disable device=sdtiera

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_disable uuid=5B074FFFFF23FFFF56FFFFFF


        stop tiered storage device if it is not in use without marking as disabled (will auto-import on reboot or takeover)


            name            : human-readable tier name (ex. tierA)

            device          : device node (ex. sdtiera)

            uuid            : tier uuid

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_export name=tierA

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_export device=sdtiera

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_export uuid=5B074FFFFF23FFFF56FFFFFF


        activate an exported tier storage device


            name            : human-readable tier name (ex. tierA)

            uuid            : tier uuid

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_import name=tierA

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_import uuid=5B074FFFFF23FFFF56FFFFFF


        display current storage migration policy JSON document


            name            : human-readable tier name (ex. tierA)

            device          : device node (ex. sdtiera)

            uuid            : tier uuid

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_getpolicy name=tierA

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_getpolicy device=sdtiera

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_getpolicy uuid=5B074FFFFF23FFFF56FFFFFF


        apply new storage migration policy


            name            : human-readable tier name (ex. tierA)

            device          : device node (ex. sdtiera)

            uuid            : tier uuid

            policy          : JSON string encapsulated in '' (retrieve using tier_getpolicy)

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_setpolicy {name=tierA|device=sdtiera|uuid=5B074FFFFF23FFFF56FFFFFF} policy='[{"hit_collecttime":"23250","max_age":"46401","device":"zd0","order":"0"},{"hit_collecttime":"43200","max_age":"86400","device":"zd16","order":"1"}]'


        expand tiered storage device when underlying volumes have grown


            name            : human-readable tier name (ex. tierA)

            device          : device node (ex. sdtiera)

            uuid            : tier uuid

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_resize name=tierA

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_resize device=sdtiera

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd tier_resize uuid=5B074FFFFF23FFFF56FFFFFF



        Display help text


            command name : Optional. You can add softnas command name to get the only help of it

        EXAMPLE: softnas-cmd help snaprepcommand

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