Configuring a Service Principal via CLI
Create the App registration using the following command:
az ad app create --display-name <display-name> --homepage <home page url> --identifier-uris <Service Principal logon url> --password <Service Principal logon password>
Create the Service Principal and link it to the app using the following command:
az ad sp create --id <app id | identifier uri >
Assign a role to the App using the following command:
az role assignment create --role <subscription role> --assignee <app id | identifier uri>
In the example to the right, the built-in role of Owner and Identifier URL are used.
To verify, login via the service principal using the following command:
az login –service-principal -u <identifier uri> -p <password> -t <tenant id | domain>
- The service principal can now be used with SoftNAS.