Versions Compared


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Before creating an NFS Export, create a volume to share. When creating a volume, there is an option to create a default NFS share. Use the functions on this page to add new or modify existing NFS export shares.

Table of Contents

  •  1. Log on to SoftNAS StorageCenter.
  •  2. In the Left Navigation Pane, select the NFS Exports option under the Storage section.
    The NFS Shares panel will be displayed. From here, configure and manage NFS sharing. 
  •  3. Click the Add a New Export link.
    The Create Export section of the panel will be displayed. 

4. In the Export Details section, specify the NFS version in the NFS Version field. 

This example has NFS version 3, but other settings such as NFS version 4 may also work better in some environments. Choose the most appropriate settings for this particular environment, security and operational needs.
  •  5. In the Directory to Export field, click the Image Removed button to select the directory to export.
  •  6. Set the Active field to Yes.
  •  7. Set the directory to export field, the Active field to Yes, and specify the IPv4 Network and Netmask in the same manner as with NFSv3 or lower options. Select the Security Level, and move on to Export Security. Security Levels options are as follows:
    1. Kerberos Authentication
    2. Kerberos Integrity
    3. Kerberos Privacy
    4. LIPKEY
    5. SPKM
  •  8. In the Export Security section, specify the Read-only field as No.
  •  9. Set the Disable Subtree Checking field to Yes.

10. Set the Immediately Sync All Writes filed to Yes

For best performance throughput, choose No for Immediately Sync All Writes field. This option allows NFS to cache the write and return to the caller immediately (up to 10 times better throughput has been observed by not immediately syncing writes, so No setting makes a big difference in performance sensitive applications). If No is chosen for this option, writes will be cached in memory longer (NFS "async" option), which increases the potential for loss of data should there be a loss or power or other unexpected system failure, so take this into consideration, as well as performance. Only consider setting this option to No if there is a proper UPS in place. Note that cached data not yet written to disk could be lost if this option is set to No (which in turns sets NFS export to "async").
  •  11. Set the Clients Must be On Secure Port to No.
  •  12. Set the Hide the filesystem field to Yes.

13. Set the Trust Remote Users field to Nobody.

NoteTo mount this NFS share from VMware vSphere, select Nobody as the Trust Remote Users choice. VMware vSphere hosts do not authenticate by default, so it's also best to restrict the IP address range appropriately to limit which NFS clients can connect to the NFS export.

  •  14. Specify the untrusted users in the Treat Untrusted Users as softnas.
  •  15. Specify the untrusted groups in the Treat Untrusted Groups as softnas.
  •  Click Create.
    The NFS Exports panel will be displayed. 
  •  Click Apply Changes

Image Removed

Image Removed

Image Removed

Image Removed

Image Removed

Mounting the NFS Share from VMware vSphere

Now that an NFS Share is available, mount
  •  Mount and use the NFS-shared volume as a VMware vSphere datastore.

    To mount NFS as a datastore, simply follow the steps given below.

     1. Log
    1. Log into vCenter (or VMware vSphere if managing VM hosts directly)

    1. For each VMware vSphere host that needs shared access to the NFS-shared datastore, select the Configuration tab in VMware vSphere client.

    1. Select the Storage option from left-side menu.

    1.  The datastore list will be displayed.

    1. Select the Add Storage option from upper-right menu.

    1.  The Add Storage wizard will be displayed.

    1. Select the Network File System option in the Storage Type section.

    1. Click Next to continue.

    1.  The Locate Network File System section of the wizard will be displayed. 


    1. In the Properties section, enter the IP address of the SoftNAS VM in the Server text entry box. 

      If the SoftNAS® IP has been added to DNS, use the SoftNAS® DNS name itself.

    1. Enter the path of the folder for NFS export in the Folder text entry box.


    1. Enter the name of the datastore in the Datastore Name text entry box.

      Repeat the above process for each VMware vSphere host that needs to access the datastore. In an HA configuration, Make sure that all VMware vSphere hosts have this NFS datastore configured.

    •  Click NextOnce done, click the Next button.
    The most common issue at this point is an Access Denied error when trying to mount the NFS export. This typically denotes that the Nobody option under Trust remove users was not chosen, or another security configuration setting may have a problem. Go back to the NFS export configuration panel, click on the NFS export and resolve the security issue. The settings shown above are known to work correctly with VMware vSphere (there may be other security settings preferred depending on environment.)

Image Modified

Image Modified

Mounting from Windows NFS Clients

The following settings work well for Windows-based NFS clients:

Although the above example shows certain settings, such as NFS version 3, other settings such as NFS version 4 may work better in some environments. Choose the most appropriate settings for local particular environment, security and operational needs.

Image Removed

  1. Make sure that the NFS Client is installed on your Windows instance.
    1. For a Windows Server instance, run the following in an Administrative PowerShell:

      Code Block
      titleNFS Client - Server OS
      Install-WindowsFeature NFS-Client

    2. For a Windows Desktop instance, run the following in an Administrative PowerShell:

      Code Block
      titleNFS Client - Desktop OS
      Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName ServicesforNFS-ClientOnly, ClientForNFS-Infrastructure -Online -NoRestart

  2. Mount the share using the following command:

    Code Block
    titleMount Share
    mount -o anon X:

    titleMount Share
    • Replace with the name of SoftNAS NFS server.
    • Replace share-name with the name of the NFS share.
    • Replace X: with the desired drive letter.

NFS and Firewall Settings

Using NFS may involve opening additional ports in any firewalls that sit between SoftNAS® VMs and workload VMs, which will otherwise block traffic (esp. if traversing to an external IP in cloud-based situations).

The ports required for NFS client mounts, according to the settings located in /etc/sysconfig/nfs are displayed here on the right.

The ports were determined by logging into SoftNAS® and running an rpcinfo -p command, which displays the ports being used for RPC.

Be sure to should lock the address range down to only the subnet where allowed EC2 instances reside (or the particular IP range that's appropriate). 

TCP Port

UDP Port



























NFS Client Mount from Linux

To mount the NFS volume from Linux, Unix or Mac OS, use the mount command as the root user:

# mount
Code Block
mount -o rsize=32768,wsize=32768,noatime,intr <ip-address>:<export-path> <mnt-point>*
For example

EXAMPLE: Where <ip-address> is the IP address (or DNS name) of the SoftNAS® server, <export-path> is the path chosen when exporting the filesystem via NFS and <mnt-point> is the mount point in the local filesystem.#
Code Block
mkdir /myvol* #
mount /myvol*
  •  The above command creates a new directory to be used as the mount point, then mounts a storage pool naspool1 with volume myvol01 at export path /naspool1/myvol01 to /myvol, on the SoftNAS® server at

  •  For better performance, use
  • the following command variation, which sets the read/write size to 32K and disables setting last access time and intr options
# mount
Code Block
mount -o rsize=32768,wsize=32768,noatime,intr /mnt/vol01*
 <ip-address>:<export-path> <mount-point>

  •  To unmount the filesystem,
use the umount /poolname/volname command.
  • issue the following command:
Code Block
umount <name_of_pool>/<name_of_volume>

NFS v4 and Authentication Considerations

NFS v4 provides for separation of filesystem metadata and file data I/O, improving performance and throughput. It is also possible to configure NFS v4 to operate in conjunction with Kerberos and LDAP for user authentication. Use of an authentication server allows each user who mounts and accesses NFS exports to have their unique user ID (uid) and group ID (gid) maintained on the NFS server.

More details on configuring NFS v4 and use of NFS in conjunction with kerberos and LDAP.

Common NFS Issues

  •  The most common issue encountered when mounting and using an NFS volume are Access Denied and read-only types of problems.
  • Access Denied - This typically happens when trying to mount an NFS export that has been restricted by IP address range, user ID or other permission restrictions. Try opening up the NFS export for access by any IP address and Everyone; i.e., loosen the security up during initial testing, then lock it back down one step at a time.
  • Read-Only Access - When this happens, it is possible to mount the filesystem, but not possible to write to the mounted filesystem. This is a security permissions issue. Try opening up the permissions on the NFS export to Everyone as a starting point, then with a working NFS mount, choose to lock the security down incrementally.
  • NFS ID Mapping Disabled - When this happens, check the "/sys/module/nfsd/parameters/nfs4_disable_idmapping" and change the default value, "N", to "Y" and restart the NFS service.